Saturday, December 18, 2010

Out for a cruise with Max Speed

Loaded up the car with equipment and doggy and headed to Stowe. First time out is tough. All the right gear? Stay out not too late the night before? Getting in a cold car in the morning?

10AM Max and I met at the top of the Smugglers notch road for some easy sledding. He came up Jefferson side, me Stowe. Great early season conditions where beginners can feel like pro's.

It feels so great to drive right by the $100 lift-ticket resort Stowe and to a less crowded (by a long shot) wide trail with perfect snow (its always perfect because that is the mindset when you get there). Few people, and you can talk to them. Dogs welcome. Free. Exercisey. I think the best part is you don't feel like you're stuck there on the clock with a ski ticket. Just leave as you please. We did a couple runs thru the hairpin, S curve and chicane. Max let me win the first run, which I appreciate. It was all about picking the right line for racing vs the right track for snow depth. We hit 21 mph which is good considering its almost all turns. Second run he shot video from his helmet cam of me making the corners with dog LuLu playing interference. I'll have that up later. Very fun, more to come this season. By the way, Umiak in Stowe is running Hammerhead tours and training this winter, so give them a shout to get out there.

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